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Welcome Tamers!

The time has come. The next sensation awaits.

Adventure Series - Season 04

Are you ready to digivolve?

For the community, managed by the community!

Our focus lies in participation prizes that are equivalent to your entry fee. You'll get what you pay for. Most private organisations have higher entry fees to be able to pay for rent, staff, prize pool, working hours, marketing and other expenses. That's why you mostly pay more for what you get.

Phototaxis wants to ensure that this void is filled with our sponsor's input, which isn't always easy to manage and comes with risks.

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Get your friends, form a carpool and join the biggest fanmade event that takes place offline. It'll be an unforgettable adventure. Check out our support.

Our vision!

We want to create a worthwhile alternative to official Bandai events. Thanks to our sponsors we are able to provide you with great prices. Be a part of it!

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